Monday, July 25, 2011

:: The Boogie Rican Bruja ::

Uploaded by  on Jul 25, 2011
Caridad de La Luz Painted in cafe By S I E N I D E
For an upcoming solo exhibition this season in NYC.
stay tuned for location and R.S.V.P. announcements...

Sunday, July 24, 2011

:: The Winehouse That Amy Built ::

:: I Should Care ::

At the end of the day she was someone's daughter, sister, lover, friend... A human being. A talented human who shared her gift with the world before she left us. Thank you Amy.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

:: ERIC ORR ::

:: Either Orr ::
" I only did this for you! It's been over 20+ years since I've painted a wall in NYC,"  says Eric.
And what a day he picks! Over 90 degrees In July. As the minutes rushed on by Eric seemed very comfortable on that wall, with no signs of rust at all. I had a ball watching him paint his sweat off.
Thanks brother E.
For more info on Eric Orr's work follow here: